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Cars with Causes - Vehicle Gift Program

Our goal is to help you get back on the road again! Apply for a vehicle below…

Can We Help You With Your Vehicle Needs?

Hello and welcome to Cars with Causes and our vehicle gift program! Unfortunately you are reading this because you or your family are struggling and need a helping hand. Our goal is to help you get back on the road again!

Cars with Causes has provided many vehicles to families in need, social service agencies, and like-minded charitable organizations. We review each vehicle donation request case by case and then make the decision to gift a working vehicle based on our findings. If you would like to apply for one of our vehicle donations, please scroll down and briefly explain your situation, needs and contact information.

Cars with Causes helps:

  • Self Supporting families making the move from public assistance
  • Battered Women – (those that are/were victims of such a hurtful crime)
  • Those with physical challenges (yet still retain the ability to safely drive a vehicle)
  • Families living in homeless shelters – (with or without children)
  • Military Families – (Those with loved ones on Active Duty and Veterans of the Armed Forces)
    Private Non-Profit Organizations – (we support like-minded charitable causes)

We truly believe that if personal transportation is available, by us helping those who are going through life hardships there will be a light at the end of the tunnel so you can get your freedom back. Unfortunately there’s no guarantee there will ever be a car available in your area, but we promise to go out of our way to match reliable vehicles with the applicants we have vetted.

Vehicle gift program

Please do not contact us by phone to discuss your Vehicle Needs!

We do want to help each and every one of you but unfortunately we do not have the resources to listen to why you need a vehicle over the telephone. We must dedicate our phone lines to making sure we always have a volunteer staff member available to answer the phone when those that are looking to donate a vehicle call us.

If we miss that phone call from a vehicle donor, we potentially wont be able to assist you when it comes time for your vehicle needs! (Please respect this wish of not calling our staff with your vehicle needs. We Will Contact You.)

*Please be advised that if you are currently receiving assistance from one or more of these sources (TANF, SSI, SSDI, Welfare, Food Stamps, etc..) acceptance of tangible property, gifts, financial assistance or services (Additional income) may affect or terminate your current benefits. Also please keep in mind you must be able to afford car insurance, title fees, and car registration.

After the application is submitted, the Board of Directors will review the information provided, then review our inventory, and if we are able to assist you then you will be contacted within 30 days. All applications are valid for 30 days, so if you do not hear from us within that time frame then you can apply again.

Apply For A Vehicle
If you would like to apply for a vehicle please explain your situation and needs below. If you are selected to receive a gifted vehicle, we will contact you.
Please provide up to date contact information

Help Request

Are you ready to donate?

(888) 228-7320

Tax Write-Off

We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give..

Cars with Causes was started as a funding project for Giving Center (EIN# 92-1162407), an IRS-approved 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that operates nationwide. Giving Center was created to help bridge the gap between those in the community who have the means and wish to help, with those who are in dire need of a helping hand and a little grace. We have a team of professional transporters and in house volunteers with both the technical and legal experience to assist you in the donation of any type vehicle.

Ⓒ Copyright 2024. Giving Center EIN# 92-1162407 All Rights Reserved.